
Gateways implement logic to interact with the MS, to process manifests, blocks, and other gateway certificates, and to send and receive data to and from other gateways. However, they do not implement code to interact with specific back-end data services or data sets, and do not implement code to interact with intermediary CDNs. This is instead handled by the driver code.

Each driver is comprised of three files:

The config and secrets files contain JSON objects. The driver file is a Python source file that implements the requisite methods.

Multi-process Drivers

The driver programming model is multi-process, and is comprised of multiple workers. Each worker will call only one of the driver’s methods, and workers do not share state with one another. This design was chosen specifically to (1) isolate the gateway process from driver bugs, and (2) allow gateways to start more workers to handle higher load.

This is acceptable because consistency is handled by the gateways themselves. Each chunk is immutable, and there is no need for replica gateways to handle concurrent requests in any particular order (so there does not need to be any shared state between concurrent method invocations).

However, if shared state is needed for some reason, it is up to the driver code to set up its own inter-process communication. For example, the driver code running in worker instances can communicate locally via shared files, shared named pipes, etc. This is considered to be the exception rather than the rule, however, so you should think carefully about whether or not this is necessary in your driver design.

Common Driver Arguments

Most driver methods take a request, a driver_config, and a driver_secrets argument.