Mounting Public Datasets

Using the Syndicate Dataset Manager (SDM) Tool

The SDM command-line tool allows users to view and mount from a list of available public datasets. The list of datasets can be modified seperately from the default list provided. Currently the following public datasets are available.

Syndicate Volume Dataset Description
ivirus iVirus Metagenomic samples for microbial ecology hosted by Cyverse. For more details, access
eht2013 Event Horizon Telescope Telescopic data from 2013
uhslc University of Hawaii Sea Level Center Ocean Tide Dataset
nanograv9y NANOGrav Gravitational waves data
refseq NCBI-REFSEQ NCBI Reference Sequence Database
imicrobe iMicrobe Metagenomic samples for viral ecology hosted by Cyverse. For more details, access

How to install SDM

SDM requires that Syndicate command-line tools (i.e. syndicate-ug-tools and dependencies) are installed. See the installation guide for more information on how to install Syndicate.

SDM Help Page

Typing sdm help in the terminal will print the following sdm help page.

command : sdm <COMMAND> [<COMMAND_SPECIFIC_ARGS> ...]

Available Commands
|          COMMAND           |       DESCRIPTION       |
| list_datasets | ls | list  | list available datasets |
| show_mounts | ps | status  |    show mount status    |
|        mount | mnt         |     mount a dataset     |
|       mmount | mmnt        |   mount multi-datasets  |
|  unmount | umount | umnt   |    unmount a dataset    |
| munmount | mumount | mumnt |  unmount multi-dataset  |
|           clean            |   clear broken mounts   |
|          help | h          |        show help        |

How to list available datasets

To see the default list of available datasets, simply type sdm list_datasets or sdm ls or sdm list at the command prompt.

The list of datasets should look similar to the output shown below.

|  DATASET   |                        DESCRIPTION                         |
|   ivirus   |       iVirus - Metagenomic samples for viral ecology       |
|  eht2013   |     Event Horizon Telescope - telescopic data in 2013      |
|   uhslc    | University of Hawaii Sea Level Center - Ocean Tide Dataset |
| nanograv9y |            NANOGrav - Gravitational waves data             |
|   refseq   |       NCBI-REFSEQ - NCBI Reference Sequence Database       |
|  imicrobe  |    iMicrobe - Metagenomic samples for microbial ecology    |

How to mount and unmount a dataset

Mounting or unmounting a dataset is similar to using the standard mount and umount commands, except in this case mount and umount are options to the sdm command.

Mounting a dataset

This example shows how to mount the iMicrobe dataset to a directory such as /tmp/imicrobe

>mkdir /tmp/imicrobe

>sdm mount imicrobe /tmp/imicrobe
Mounting a dataset imicrobe to /tmp/imicrobe
A dataset imicrobe is mounted to /tmp/imicrobe
Unmounting a dataset
>sdm umount /tmp/imicrobe
Unmounting a dataset imicrobe mounted at /tmp/imicrobe
Successfully unmounted a dataset imicrobe mounted at /tmp/imicrobe

Alternative methods of accessing a dataset

Accessing a dataset using syndicatefs

For the next two sample commands, be sure to have configured access to the imicrobe gateway as per the instructions in the syndicatefs user guide

Mount the iMicrobe dataset in a local path /mnt/imicrobe using syndicatefs.

syndicatefs -u ANONYMOUS -v imicrobe -g imicrobe_anonymous /mnt/imicrobe

Accessing a dataset using Syndicate UG Tools

List files in the iMicrobe dataset

syndicate-ls -u ANONYMOUS -v imicrobe -g imicrobe_anonymous /

Similarly, you can use syndicate-cat, syndicate-get and many more commands to access content of the dataset. For more information, check Syndicate UG Tools.

Accessing a dataset using a Docker image

Docker allows rapid deployment of software packages. It also can be used in deployment of datasets.

Our pre-baked docker image gives you a ready-to-go research analysis environment where analysis software and a dataset are prepared.

Dataset Docker Image Installed Softwares
iMicrobe syndicatestorage/imicrobe-base Ubuntu 14.04
iMicrobe syndicatestorage/imicrobe-anaconda Ubuntu 14.04, Anaconda 4.3.1, R 3.3.2
iMicrobe syndicatestorage/imicrobe-jupyter Ubuntu 14.04, Anaconda 4.3.1, R 3.3.2, Jupyter
iMicrobe syndicatestorage/imicrobe-mash Ubuntu 14.04, Mash
iMicrobe syndicatestorage/imicrobe-anvio Ubuntu 14.04, Anvio
iVirus syndicatestorage/ivirus-base Ubuntu 14.04
iVirus syndicatestorage/ivirus-anaconda Ubuntu 14.04, Anaconda 4.3.1, R 3.3.2
iVirus syndicatestorage/ivirus-jupyter Ubuntu 14.04, Anaconda 4.3.1, R 3.3.2, Jupyter
iVirus syndicatestorage/ivirus-mash Ubuntu 14.04, Mash
iVirus syndicatestorage/ivirus-anvio Ubuntu 14.04, Anvio

To access,

docker run -ti --privileged syndicatestorage/imicrobe-anaconda